Update - Oct 3

by Keith Fong

Oct 3, 2020 -

Dear Players,

Hope everyone is enjoying the Mid-Autumn holiday. We have some good news to report.

The YMCA KPPC Inline Rink will be open and therefore, we have scheduled a practice / scrimmage game this coming Tuesday, October 6th. This is important for all the players that have signed up for the 2020-2021 season, especially the new players who has not played in the league before as we are preparing for the Draft the following day. Cost will be $100 per player and $40 for goalies.

  • 8:30pm – Division 2
  • 9:30pm – Division 1

For those that will attend, you must let us know asap as we only have a maximum of 16 spots for each session. Priority will be given to the new players.

Here is an updated schedule of the events to note -

  • Wednesday, Oct 7 – DRAFT (for the GM’s only – 8:00pm Div 2, 9:00pm Div 1)
    Location will be sent to the GM’s.
  • Monday, Oct 12 – 9:00pm – Homely Sports vs Bloody Orange (Div 2) – Championship Final
  • Tuesday, Oct 13 – 9:00pm – Wheel Hub Outlaws vs Kings (Div 1) – Championship Final
  • Monday, Oct 26 – Division 2 Season Opener (start of the 2020-2021 season)
  • Tuesday, Oct 27 – Division 1 Season Opener (start of the 2020-2021 season)

Other notes –

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.


Keith Fong
League Commissioner